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Obesity Causing Limb Amputation Epidemic in Scotland

Monday, 01 December 2014 00:00

obesity4According to new data from the United Kingdom’s National Health Service, about one hundred Scottish citizens have limbs amputated every month due to health conditions they developed as a result of being obese. The most common of these conditions are peripheral vascular disorder and type 2 diabetes, which can both be caused by the same lack of exercise and a healthy diet that cause people to become overweight.

These hand and foot amputations are costing the NHS about $82 million a year, way more than the public healthcare sector is able to afford. Those who lose limbs are also entitled to cost-of-living benefits, a $46 million annual expense for the government.

While obesity can sometimes result in the drastic consequence of amputation, this condition is also known for causing many other less life-threatening foot and ankle problems. If you’re an obese individual and you’re concerned about your feet, talk to podiatrist Dr. Steven Schwartz of Pennsylvania.  Dr. Schwartz can determine if your weight has caused you to develop any complications in your lower extremities and get you the care that you need.

Obesity and your Feet

Since your feet are what support your entire weight when standing, any additional weight can result in pain and swelling. Being overweight is one of the main contributors to foot complications.

Problems & Complications

Extra Weight – Even putting on just a few extra pounds could create serious complications for your feet. As your weight increases, your balance and body will shift, creating new stresses on your feet. This uneven weight distribution can cause pain, even while doing the simplest tasks, such as walking.

Diabetes – People who are overweight are at serious risk of developing type-2 diabetes, which has a drastic impact on the health of your feet. As you get older, your diabetes might worsen, which could lead to loss of feeling in your feet, sores, and bruises. You could also become more prone to various infections.

Plantar fasciitis – Pressure and stress that is placed on muscles, joints, and tendons can trigger plantar fasciitis, which is an inflammation of tissue that forms along the bottom of the foot. 

For more information about Obesity and Your Feet, follow the link below.

If you have any questions, please contact our office for more information. We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot ankle injuries.

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